11th July
LO: To join-in and recite some of the responses used at Mass and write a bidding prayer.
Discuss with the the events that make up the Mass, use the powerpoint to help. Explain the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Make it clear that Catholic Christians believe that the bread and wine used at Mass becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Go through some of the responses used at Mass: the greetings, Lord have Mercy, the responses to the readings and Gospel, the prayer of the faithful response and at least one memorial acclamation, join in with ones you know.
In the Prayer of the Faithful the assembly is invited to pray for the concerns of Church and the world. The pattern for use at Mass reminds us that the local Church gathered in prayer united with universal Church.
Write some bidding prayers to be used in Mass.
LO: Draw or paint features of landscape from memory, imagination or observation, with some attention to detail.
Look at prints or search online for famous paintings of the sea. Talk about whether the seas shown are calm, rough or wavy and how the artist has created movement or mood. Make comparisons between seascapes and list words that describe them. Observe the use of visual elements such as colour, line and texture. Use paint or other materials, including collage, to create an imaginative seascape.