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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

School Video

1st November




Lesson 1

Gunpowder plot ppt (see below)

Discuss showing this event in a comic strip style


How many words are used in a comic strip? Explore how children can use language to be concise.


Task 1 -create storyboard of gunpowder plot to tell story.

 limit to 25 words per picture


Lesson 2

Write diary entry as one of key plotters 


Write about the day the plan was made?


Discuss emotion of these men – public and private


Lesson 3

Edit and improve – identify audience and purpose

Make more personal and expressive of the person writing the diary entry



hindrance identity immediate immediately individual interfere interrupt language leisure lightning

Put in to sentences



To understand that following Christ demands sacrifices


    LO: To research and learn about the lives of key people and how they were followers of Christ




     Teach children about some traditional/new/unknown saints and identify how their lives made them saints

  • Mother Teresa
  • John Henry Newman
  • St Bernadette
  • Padra Pio
  • St Faustina



Hot– write a report for a religious magazine about the impact on the world of their chosen saint (children can use homework saint or one that has been discussed in class)

Spicy – create saints information cards to inform people about the key points about 3 saints of their choice (Name, nationality, years alive, mission from God, what made them a saint, Canonisation date, unusual fact)

Mild– Summarise the life of one of the saints studied and explain what we can learn today from this person
