Year 5's Super Soup!
10 to 14 December 2007
Year 5's DT project was to design and make a healthy winter vegetable soup for the elderly.
Firstly, the class carried out a lot of research on soups which meant sampling a variety of brands for their different flavours and textures.
Then the children designed their soups, choosing vegetables carefully.They wanted their soups to look wholesome, be tasty, nutritious and easily digestible.
Groups of children thoroughly enjoyed working together preparing and cooking their soups. They made sure their hands, utensils and surfaces were clean first. Then they peeled, chopped, sliced and stirred very carefully. There were several Jamie Olivers and Delia Smiths in the making!
Finally, they sat down together to share and evaluate their Super Soups.
We peeled and diced carefully. Smaller vegetables cook quicker and would be easier to chew and swallow.