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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

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Year 6 Meet Liam Byrne MP

23 January 2015

What an amazing day! Year 6 has spent time in London at the Houses of Parliament, participated in a 'Day in Politics' challenge day and now been visited by Liam Byrne MP.

We presented our manifestos to Liam Byrne and then asked him questions about his role as the local MP. He was impressed with our presentations and our questions.

He explained why he became a politician and how he feels passionate about helping young people to have a good future. We challenged him too and asked him about whether he had achieved the promises he made during the previous election!

All in all it was a very informative day, we learned more about democracy and British Values. Some of us would like to be MPs one day and maybe even Prime Minister!
