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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

School Video


LO: to sequence a story

Show children a world map or globe and explain that the story they are going to read is set in Gunjur, a town in The Gambia, West Africa. Find The Gambia on the map or globe, then look at 'The Gambia picture cards'. Discuss the images in the photographs.


Read ‘Fatou Fetch the Water’ by Neil Griffiths (a link for a Youtube telling of the story is below)



Why do you think Fatou needs to fetch water from the well?

What do you think Fatou's mum does as a job?

Find the picture with the girls in their school uniform. How is their uniform similar to or different from your school uniform?

Are there any clues in the story that show you what the weather is like where Fatou lives?

Fatou and her friends and family are eating their meal outside. Do you ever eat outside?



Look at the pictures of the busy street as Fatou makes her journey to the well.

Following the story work together to create a map of Fatou's journey. 

Draw and label pictures of the people she met and the food the people gave her along the way. 

Re-tell the story orally using the story map asking children to join in.


You could make 'Benachin' - a national dish of Gambia which is the meal being shared by Fatou and her family at the end of the story.
