24th May
Explain that when the Church celebrates the Sacraments, we celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Revise work on Baptism, recall the anointing with the Oil of Baptism as protecting the person being welcomed into God’s family. Explain that the anointing with the Oil of Chrism in Confirmation shows the giving of the Holy Spirit to the person being Confirmed – it’s a sign of the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit. Show images of people being confirmed.
Hear and learn the words of anointing at Confirmation, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
What does the word sealed mean?
What does it tell us about the presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians today?
Activity: How have you used the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Record ideas.
Write a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for help with something that they feel is important to them.
Plenary: Share your prayer with your family.