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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

School Video

Day for Vocations

At Our Lady's Catholic Primary School, we believe God calls us to be truly exceptional. We are working together to help each unique child develop their gifts and talents to enable them to hear the call to vocation and respond confidently. We know, as members of God's family, he calls us all to something amazing!


While we learn about vocation and try to answer the question, "who is God calling me to be?" continually, we also hold a Day for Vocations to coincide with Vocations Sunday each year.


This year, our Day for Vocations was celebrated on 30th April. 

Shout Praises Kids

A reminder to share in the joy of responding to God's call.

2021 Vocations Sunday Assembly for Schools

Assembly for schools of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, in anticipation of Vocations Sunday 2021

Day for Vocations Our Lady's Catholic Primary School Assembly

Still image for this video

Virtual Vocation Workshops


Throughout the day, each class experienced virtual vocation workshops. Pupils were able to listen to the experience of the call to vocation from many representatives as well ask questions to deepen their own understanding. We have a included a few of these sessions for you to view!

Our Learning



Reflection & Prayer


At the end of a busy day of learning, we reflected upon our own call to vocation. We spent time learning to listen to God deep within our hearts, so we may hear his call, answer confidently and say 'yes' to following our dreams using the guiding light of Jesus.

What is Adoration? A how to video

Adoration explained for children
