13th December
Discuss the themes of Birthday Boy. Explain to children that so far in this unit you have made a prediction (future), have written an inner monologue as Manuk in his current circumstances (present) so today you will think about the past. Tell them that they are going to focus on the war itself and what has happened where Manuk lives. Write the word “War” on the board and together create a mind map using words and phrases linked to war and the aftermath. Ask children what a flashback is. What could provoke one? Can they give examples of when they might be used? How would an author show the difference in time? Do they know of any books which use a flashback? What tenses would need to be used? Explain that in the clip we only see the aftermath of war, we do not see what happened during. Tell children that they are going to write as Manuk remembering the day his village was at war. What could have happened to his father/ family/ friends? How would he have felt? How did he survive? Show children resource 6a. Can they identify the flashback? How is the tension felt? What devices are used?
Children are to write a narrative flashback as Manuk remembering the day his village was at war. They should show passage of time, writing devices to create tension, descriptive vocabulary and convey feelings through use of emotive language. Encourage manipulation of clauses for effect.
Tell children that today they are going to focus on the features of a newspaper (headline, byline, introduction, five Ws, images/ captions, columns, paragraphs, formal language, quotes) How many can they name and explain before you start? Together create a list of the features that can be added to throughout the lesson and during the plenary. Give children a copy of a newspaper article of your choice and give them a few minutes to highlight the features they can see before discussing findings together. Talk about the way in which the article is written. What tense is it in? Why? Has the journalist used formal or informal language? How is the article presented? Prompt children to spot any of the features they might have missed so that all have been covered. Show the children examples of broadsheets and tabloids. How do they differ? Discuss what story might be relevant in a newspaper from Korea 1951 (children should be able to link to Birthday Boy and Manuk).
Give children a selection of newspapers. They are to choose five articles to identify and label key features. Ask them to explain the definitions of things such as “formal language” by showing examples. As an extension give children the images of war and ask them to come up with five Ws. They are to write a suitable caption for each plus a headline and byline for what the article could be about.
Children are to plan their articles using the features listed in the previous lesson. Give them resource 8a and talk through each section together before allowing them to complete their plans independently. Hold this part of the lesson as a workshop- children should be allowed to talk freely to one another about the task and to ask one another and adults any questions or for support filling in any part of the plan. Before starting the independent write of the article give some children resource 8b. Be selective about which children will need the scaffold. Talk about the layout- what do children notice? How does this compare to the real articles they looked at last lesson? Check with children whether they have any more questions before instructing them to write their article.
Children write a newspaper article about the clip of Birthday Boy. They should follow their plans to include the key features and the main story should detail the five Ws as well as picking up on formality and tone. As an extension children should self evaluate their work and improve vocabulary/ openers etc where applicable.
Show children resource 9a. Read it together then give them some time in pairs to make notes about what they think. Can they find the faults/ areas for improvement? Explain that today they are going to read and evaluate their own work. What points should they consider? Refer to the recent lessons on features and planning. Did they include all the key features? Have they used appropriate language? Can they improve their use of vocabulary and grammar? What would a good example include? Prompt them to consider the points you are looking for. Before the lesson save a blank copy of resource 8b into a file that children can access from laptops. Explain to children that once they have evaluated their work they are going to edit, improve and redraft it using the laptops. Show them how to access the blank newspaper article
d Children are to edit, improve and redraft their newspaper article using the laptops. They can use the template provided in resource 8b and should use resources such as dictionaries and thesauruses. They can select an image to accompany their article
Know some of the customs associated with the Church’s celebration of Christmas.
• Understand why this feast is important to Christians today.
- Discuss different ways people celebrate Christmas – include secular celebrations but add religious meaning to them.
- create survey sheet to ask how different people celebrate Christmas.
Include the question why is Christmas so important?
Using ICT record info from surveys in form of graphs and bar charts.
Children to evaluate survey – have they found out what they thought they would? Is it the same as their thoughts and opinions? How is it different? Images of Jesus – explore variety of images of Jesus –
Draw your favourite and give short explanation AE2