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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

School Video

Year 5 Inspire Workshop

13 July 2010

On Tuesday 13th July, the pupils and parents of Year 5 had a very exciting Inspire Workshop. The theme was Healthy Lifestyles and followed Year 5’s three-day Villa Vitality programme with Aston Villa.

The workshop centred around 6 main challenges:

  • 60 mins of activity each day
  • Eating a healthy breakfast each day
  • Drinking more water each day
  • Swapping a snack each day
  • Eating 5 a day
  • Planning, cooking and eating a healthy balanced meal with the family.

There were lots of activities relating to the challenges for the pupils to do with their parents, encouraging them to lead healthier lifestyles.

We’d like to thank Katie Meah (a Health and Fitness Nurse from the B’ham East and North Primary Care Trust) for her invaluable help and for providing a lot of resources. We’d also like to thank Dr Weeks, our Class Governor for coming along and supporting the event.


Both pupils and parents were amazed at the large amounts of sugar in some of the things they like to eat and drink.


Seeing exactly how much sugar and fat are in the snacks we eat persuaded many to swap their snacks for healthier options in the future.