8th November
Maths Videos
Lesson 1 LO To identify common features in a text Text type - play script
I can identify the features of play scripts
I can identify and label several features of play scripts I can independently identify the features of play scripts and explain their purpose within the writing
Look at playscript examples – highlight and discuss key features
Lesson 2
LO To use setting to set the mood and tone of my writing
I can use my senses to describe a place
I can use a range of techniques to describe setting and character
I can use appropriate and interesting figurative language
Describe the place and the characters where the play script will be set.
Use a range of techniques to describe
- Senses
- Personification
- Similes
- Metaphors
Lesson 3
LO To show interaction between characters with speech
I can show a conversation between characters
I can show character interaction with detail and some excitement
I can use action to take on board other points of view and use this to move the plot on
Task: Write scene from Gunpowder Plot
Lesson 4
Use semi-colons, colons or dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses
Literacy - example of Playscript
Confirmation Homework- Research the life of your chosen saint. Remember that the saint must be a Catholic saint.