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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

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K'NEX Centre of Excellence

1 October 2015

Our school has been awarded as the first ‘K'NEX Centre of Excellence for Primary Coding'.

With guidance and support from Birmingham's educational organisation Link2ICT, the enthusiastic teachers and children at Our Lady's have been using Data Harvest K'NEX Discover Control Sets to learn all about the importance of computing and coding.

With the introduction of Data Harvest's primary coding solutions, Our Lady's have found integrating these tools an easy process, which has enhanced their primary computing curriculum.

We will also be one of the first UK schools to use the new Data Harvest K'NEX Robotics Set due for release in 2016 and are excited to see what new challenges this set will bring to our curriculum.

To learn more about how your school can benefit from learning to code using Data Harvest K'NEX Sets or to become a K'NEX Coding Centre of Excellence, please see the Data Harvest website (external link).
