6th June
LO: To know that Confirmation celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit.
When the Church celebrates the Sacraments, we celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Think about what we learnt about Baptism, think about the anointing with the Oil of Baptism as protecting the person being welcomed into God’s family. The anointing with the Oil of Chrism in Confirmation shows the giving of the Holy Spirit to the person being Confirmed – it’s a sign of the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit.
Hear and learn the words of anointing at Confirmation, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
What does the word sealed mean?
What does it tell us about the presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians today?
Watch clip of a Confirmation ceremony.
Activity: How have you used the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Record the ways and then write a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for help with something that you feel is important to them.
Plenary: Share the prayer with your family.
LO: Compare and group things that are living, dead or have never been alive.
Watch the beachcombers video , write a list of what you can see. Use the list of things found at the beach to sort into the following groups, things that are living, dead or have never been alive. Can you sort the objects another way? Explain how and why you have sorted things as you have.