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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

School Video


LO: I am beginning to use recognisable letters on my own


Read the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. A link to a Youtube clip of the story can be found below.


How does the boy try to help the penguin?

Why does the penguin chase after the boy?

Have you ever felt lonely?

How did being lonely make you feel?

Who helped you to feel better?


Discuss how the children's class at school is a community and why it is important to be good friends to each other. Talk about ways that they can be a good friend. Together, make a good friend checklist of all the qualities a good friend should be. 




Explain that they are going to write a recipe to make a friend. Ask what they would choose for their perfect friend. Have a variety of resources available in tubs labelled with friendship words.  Model choosing a pinch of the ingredients to put in a friendship pouch - lentils, rice, small coloured paper (made by hole punching), glitter etc. 


Show them how we write a list of ingredients and let your child have a go at writing and draw a picture of a friend.
