17th January
Lesson 1
Learning Objective: To understand that through his miracles Jesus was able to change some people’s lives.
Think about the changes that took place during the miracles we read in our last lesson.
How did Jesus perform miracles and do miracles happen now?
What do we learn about Jesus from these miracles?
Activity: Create slogans to describe Jesus the miracle worker.
Lesson 2
Learning Objective: To know that the Church shows care for the sick through anointing with the Oil of the Sick. To role play the Sacrament of the Sick.
In the miracle stories we shared the people who asked Jesus to help them had faith in him. Today Christians express their faith in Jesus through prayers for the sick and anointing with oil of the sick. Why do think we use oil to anoint a sick person?
Activity: Role play what takes place at the Anointing of the Sick, including the laying on of hands on the head and anointing with oil of the sick on the forehead and the palms of the hands. Record your role play and upload it to the website or TEAMs.
How do you think a sick person might feel after they had been anointed? Records your thoughts.
Learning Objective: To develop, model and communicate ideas through drawing.
Look at the pictures of lighthouses and research to see if you can find any other examples. Some of the lighthouses are from Grace Darling’s time and others are modern lighthouses of today.
Label the different parts of a lighthouse.
Design your own lighthouse to help ships, draw and label your design. Remember to think about the different parts a lighthouse needs.