Wider Curriculum
This week we will be going back to our work on Rivers.
Please remember to email your work in!
This week I would like you to look at the presentation and two videos about the uses of Rivers to recap the work we did before Half Term.
I would then like you to complete a Presentation on one of the following:
- The Rivers of the UK
- The Rivers of the World
- The Water Cycle
- The Uses of Rivers
It can be completed on BGFL 365 using J2e5 or PowerPoint.
Where will you get your information from? How will you present the information? Will you include diagrams or pictures? Will you include a quiz at the end? What will you do to make your work stand out?
I understand that this is quite a big project to complete so we will work on this over the next two weeks.
How do we use Rivers?
Within the presentation, it mentioned two websites to explore.
Here is the link to the surf video https://vimeo.com/31035315
Here is the link to the Severn bore website: https://www.severn-bore.co.uk/index.html
There are a number of benefits to using Minecraft as a learning tool such as creativity, problem solving , mathematical skills and collaboration. Over the next few weeks I will be setting Minecraft challenges. It would be great if you can have a go and send me your creations via Teams or Email.
Thank you to everyone who has sent their creations or posted them on Microsoft Teams. They are absolutely brilliant!
So far , some of you you have created a church ,a house and a restaurant. I would like you to think about what other buildings you might need in a village. A school? A Shop?
I have been challenged to create a castle, a park and a lake by Year 3. I will be posting up my creations to teams this week. They have been quite a challenge!