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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

School Video

4th July





LO:  Know at Mass God’s Family gathers together, listens to God’s Word, prays for the needs of others, praises and thanks God for his many gifts, and celebrates what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper.

Look at different photographs and pictures of people gathered together (e.g. family occasions). What is happening in the photographs, who is gathered together, for what reason?

Look at pictures of people gathered together at Mass. Who is there? What do you think they are doing? Why is this a special gathering?  Discuss the gathering for Mass in your local parish.  Identify some of the people with special roles (e.g. priest, reader, musicians, altar servers, children’s liturgy group, etc.)  Recall different times when Jesus gathered together with his friends (e.g.Feeding of the Five Thousand, the Last Supper).

Read the words of Jesus about gathering together. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am with them.” What do these words mean?

What do you think is special about gathering together as God’s family at Mass?

What do you think those words of Jesus mean when people gather together for Mass?


Sequence some of the first part of the Mass. Include Entrance Song and

Procession, Sign of the Cross, The Lord be with You, Lord have Mercy, Glory to God and Opening Prayer.



LO Identify how an environment can be harmed and improved.
Look at the work of volunteers who clean up beaches - news report, consider the damage litter on the beach causes.  Create posters to warn others about the dangers of dropping litter on the seashore and suggest what to do with litter when visiting the coast.

