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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

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Wider Curriculum


First, read the story of Sir Francis Beaufort and use the sheet to sequence the timeline of his life. 


Next observe examples of wind speeds – outdoors, at first hand, and by watching film clips, use the link to help. – it gives examples of what happens at each wind speed.


Remember the weather diary and the wind picture you have created, they will help you to think about wind speeds you have already seen.


Then use sorting cards to match and sequence the wind speeds from 0 to 12, this is the Beaufort Scale!  Can you use the scale to say which wind speeds you have seen?


In this lesson we will be thinking about the wild plants that grow around us. Discuss what makes plants ‘wild’. Sometimes if a wild plant grows in a garden it may be called a weed. Can you name any weeds you are familiar with?  Using the Lesson Presentation, look at the wild plants that you will be searching for in the main activity. Look at the shape, size and distinguishing features of these plants.

Many of the plants have old customs associated with them that you may be familiar with.  Discuss these. 


We are going to go on a wild plant hunt.  Your grown up will explain how to mark a simple tally on your sheet.    

Now, hunt for wild plants in a suitable outside area, marking your frequency using a tally on the Wild Plant Hunt Activity Sheet


Think about how you can use your tallies to find out which wild plant is the most common. Please let me know what you find out!
