Hi Year 4, Please find below this message updated work for the rest of the week. When you have completed the work please upload to the appropriate TEAMs channel i.e. Maths work in the Maths Channel etc. or else email your work to year4@ourladys.bham.sch.uk
It is important that you do this every day. I will be on TEAMS during school hours to answer any questions you may have.
Stay safe,
Mr. O'Shea
Maths - Please complete these on Wednesday - Friday
Here are the two links required for Maths for the rest of the week
This week we will be starting a two week block on persuasive writing. We will be writing and delivering a speech about Deforestation at the end of the two weeks.
Please click the links below.
I have uploaded some facts about Deforestation. I would like you to write a speech either For or Against Deforestation. I would then like you to record your speech and upload it to TEAMS or else email it to me.