LO: To understand the meaning of some of the symbols of Baptism
Look again at the symbols of Baptism. Discuss in more detail the importance of water and ask, why is water used in the service? Why do we think that water is so special? Value responses and then run through some of the ways that water plays a part in our lives. Explain that each one of us is about three-quarters water! Talk about water in drinking and cooking - imagine pasta or tea without water. Produce some dried inedible pasta and cooked pasta by contrast. Talk about washing, take a sponge, wet it and let them clean their hands.
Explain that water is the primary symbol of baptism and read some the following passages from the New Testament that shows its importance. John the Baptist used water (Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8a; John 1:33; 3:23), as did Jesus (John 3:22). Jesus is living water (John 4:10). Water is a symbol of divine life, grace, new birth, growth, power, deliverance, cleansing and the covenant. Refer back to the story of Noah – how was water important in the story? Place water in a bowl on a table to remind us of Baptism.
Explain that we are also named during the ceremony and that God will call us by this name. Children should know that their first name is their Christian name
Re-cap other symbols of Baptism.
Make salt dough fishes and children can add their name or initial to make a name plaque – paint blue to represent water, the fish to represent them as the Baptised person and the name that God will know them by.
Topic 1.Why is it dark at night?
LO: To know there are different sources of light
Talk to the children about why it is dark at night time. Make sure they realise that the absence of light, from the Sun, causes darkness at night time. Allow the children to explore this concept using a range of large cardboard boxes (or under a table) and see what happens when they crawl inside and close the flaps. Challenge the children to find ways to make it as dark as possible inside the box, then ask if they can find ways to let in light. Provide a range of materials, such as blankets, foil and paper for blacking out. You could also provide torches for play or reading activities inside the boxes. Adult to punch holes to allow light in like stars. Make dark boxes and add glow in the dark stars and a hole for shining a torch. Use the Science Experiment sheet below to discuss with children what they see and what the stars need to glow brighter.
Topic 2.The Moon
LO: to know that people in the past visited the moon
Show children clips of the first Moon landing. Display the Voyage to the moon picture cards and talk about Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and how they were the first people to set foot on the Moon. Encourage children to ask questions about the pictures, describe what they can see and discuss what it must be like to travel into space.
- How do you think it would feel to travel into space?
- What does Earth look like from the Moon?
- What colour is the Moon?
- What do you think the Moon is made from?
- What would you do if you were on the Moon?
- Why do you think the astronauts need space suits?
- Do you know another spaceman called Buzz?
Topic 3.Starry Skies
LO: To create art based on a theme
Show children the Hubble Space Telescope picture cards and play space-themed music to create atmosphere. This could include music from The Planets suite by Gustav Holst. Explain that the photographs are taken of areas of space millions of miles away from Earth. Provide a variety of ready-mixed poster paints in squeezy bottles and shallow plastic trays. Show the children how to squeeze blobs of colour onto the tray and swirl them around using paintbrushes to make space pictures. Let the children work independently until they are happy with their pattern. Gently press a piece of black paper onto the paint to make a print. Display the prints with the original pictures taken from the Hubble Space Telescope.