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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

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Discuss Pentecost with your child and re-cap some of the symbols we associate with this festival (the colour red used in church, wind, flames, dove) and some of the key events of the story.

Find out how to say love, peace and hope in other languages and decorate the Holy Spirit Dove by writing these words in different languages.  

Topic 1

Watch 'Handa’s Surprise' and discuss where the story takes place. Discuss the similarities and differences between where we live and where Handa lives and the different types of fruit she has.  Go for a trip to the supermarket and see how many different fruits you can find and try a fruit you have never tried before!  Describe what it tastes like.


Task: Draw each of the fruits from the story and write their names.


Topic 2

Teach the children the song, Hello to All the Children of the World. Count how many ways there are to say hello in the song. Support the children to learn the melody of the song as they sing. Practise with family members different ways of saying 'hello'.
