3rd May
Using your reading book or another book you have at home, complete two activities in the booklet.
LO Describe the feelings and reactions of Mary Magdalene and Simon Peter.
Read the Gospel account of the resurrection from John's Gospel. Highlight the actions in the text using different colours for Mary Magdalene and Simon Peter.
Record the feelings of Mary Magdalene and Simon Peter before, during and after the resurrection in a grid by drawing their faces and/or including captions.
Create a story map of the resurrection.
Build a model castle using construction materials or other found and recycled materials. Choose whether to build it for small world figures or big enough to play in. Decide how many turrets to add, how high they will be, how to make the castle strong and robust and whether to construct a secret passageway somewhere inside. Decorate the castle, adding some typical castle features. Think about the castles you learnt about last week to help you.