14th March
RE Lesson 1
Watch a child receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Who is there and what are they doing? Talk about what is happening - think about how Year 3 are going to receive the sacrament very soon - this is a choice that they are making as Catholics, to confess their sins to receive the sacrament. Discuss the word sacrament and talk about that this is a special gift from God.
Write instructions on how to receive the Sacrament and end with the Act of Contrition
RE Lesson 2
Discuss different times in the year when we celebrate different events. Explain that “Holy Week” is the name given to our celebration of the time when we remember the Death and Resurrection of Christ. What can you remember about the story of Palm Sunday?
What does this event tell us about Jesus? If you had been at the first Palm Sunday, what would you have been doing? What would you have said and sung? Today Christians continue to praise and thank Jesus as the crowds did on the road to Jerusalem. What do you think we should praise and thank Jesus for? Record your ideas.
Follow a recipe that involves melting ingredients to combine them, such as flapjacks or marshmallow crispy cake. Predict which ingredients will melt and how the mixture will change when heated and then cooled. Record your prediction and then record what actually happened to the ingredients. Were your predictions correct?