This week we are continuing to find halves. We are finding halves of amounts. As a practical activity find half of an amount of everyday items. Model how to find a half (sharing equally between 2 or grouping in 2s). (Summer Term - Week 2 - Lesson 1)
The video below explains how to find half of an amount by sharing equally between 2 or grouping in 2s.
Today we are moving on to finding a quarter of a shape. This is when a shape is cut/split into 4 equal sections. Ensure that your child understands each section must be equal. (Summer Term - Week 2 - Lesson 2)
Today we move on to finding a quarter of an amount/quantity. This can be done by sharing equally into 4 groups or sharing into groups of 4. The video helps to explain this. Again, make this as practical as possible as this will help to support your children's understanding. (Summer term - Week 2 - Lesson 3)
Today's lesson involves problem solving that is based on previous work of weight/mass, length and height. It is tricky so just try your best and the video on the link below is very useful in providing a method to solve each problem. (Summer Term - Week 2 - Lesson 4)
Have a look at the maths challenge below. The first 2 challenges are suitable for Year 1 but the rest of the family can have a go at the further challenges!