28th March
Lesson 1
LO Understand that we are called to serve other people and are following Jesus by what we do for them.
Think about what the word “servant” means. When we read the story of the Last Supper it contains a special special image of Jesus as a servant of others.
Jesus taught his disciples to serve other people and follow his example. What does this mean?
Create mind maps about how we can be servants of Jesus.
Lesson 2
LO To think of ways you can serve others as followers of Jesus.
Research about people today who follow the example of Jesus by loving and serving others. Such as members of the parish, your family, CAFOD, Father Hudson’s Society, Mission Together etc.
Make a promise to follow the example of Jesus by being servants of others and record your promise.
Reflect on your Lenten promises. Are you following the example of Jesus by being servants of others?