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Our Lady's

Catholic Primary School

'Follow your dreams using the guiding light of Jesus'

School Video

6th December



 Monday : Describe a character

Recap word classification. Write a sentence and ask children to identify the noun, adjective, verb etc. Explain that today they are going to focus on expanded noun phrases. Write a basic sentence and together expand to include as much rich detail as possible. How has this added to the effect of the description? Give children resource 2a to complete. Ask children to share some examples of their sentences. Show children an image of Manuk in the clip.

 What is he wearing? What does he look like? Remind children of the story up to the point watched in the previous lesson. What happened? What do they infer about the boy’s personality and circumstances from this?



Children are to write a character description for Manuk based on what they can see and infer. They should use expanded noun phrases and have a range of rich vocabulary and openers. Encourage them to build a personality for Manuk based on what they predict the story will be about




Explain to children that they are going to predict the next part of the story of Birthday Boy. Play the clip up to 2:55. What are their initial thoughts about what could happen next based on their previous setting and character descriptions? What effect will this have on the story? Why do they think Manuk put the screw there? Allow them to use their imaginations to make predictions and expand a few scenarios together. Show children resource 3b. What tense/person is it written in? What happens next? Ask the children to come up with as many ideas as they can. Give children resource 3c. How can modal verbs assist them in writing a prediction?



Children are to write a prediction for the ending of the train scene in the form of a 1 st person narrative by Manuk. It should show his perspective of events. They should infer his thoughts and feelings throughout the clip and use modal verbs to enhance degrees of possibility.




Spellings from Y5/6 Spellings




Play the full clip of Birthday Boy to the children(Video below). This is the first time children will have seen the entire clip so ask them their initial thoughts and feelings. Did they predict what would happen? Has their view of Manuk changed? How does Manuk’s life differ to their own? Get them to summarise the story in their own words then together create a timeline of events for the story that children can refer back to throughout the course of this unit. This could be using post it notes or on a ‘washing line.’ Lesson Input Ask children what parts a basic story is made from (beginning, middle and end) How do we identify these parts in a story? Can they identify these parts on the timeline they have made? Give children resource 4a. Explain that a story mountain helps to clarify the structure of a story and focus on the key events that shape it. This may also be developed further by looking at different structures. Talk together about what children think should go in each box then give children time to independently fill in their sheets about Birthday Boy. Can they expand the basic boxes to include more in depth summaries of each key event? They can use this completed resource as a guide for the independent activities next.



Using still images from the clip give children a comic strip. They are to create captions and speech bubbles to show what Manuk is thinking for each image to show the structure of the story. As an extension children can draw a comic strip detailing an event that is special in their memory



Recap what the children have learnt about Birthday Boy and the world he lives in. Get them to think about how he would feel at different parts of the story. How might they show this in writing? Can they liken or compare it to any of the stories currently in our news? Hotspot- choose children to sit at the front playing the part of Manuk. Classmates are to ask him questions about himself and his life. Encourage children to give him a personality. Despite his circumstances what do they imagine him to be like? Create a class shared ‘role on the wall’ to do this.


Tell children that today they are going to focus on the second half of the story. Tell them to close their eyes and imagine it is their birthday. They are alone and in a war torn village. The only present they receive is their father’s clothing. They haven’t seen their father for months. The only toys they have are ones they have made themselves from recycled rubbish. How would they feel? Write a list of words to describe their thoughts and feelings (up-level where appropriate). Talk about the difference between empathy and sympathy. How can children convey feelings of a character in writing to an audience? Find examples of inner monologues to show the children from literature. Explain that today they are going to write as Manuk on his birthday. They will need to show his thoughts and how he feels. Refer back to the role on the wall from the start of the lesson. Begin a shared inner monologue for Manuk.


Children write an inner monologue as Manuk in 1st person past tense, using emotive language to detail his thoughts as he returned home from the train track and upon finding the parcel. They should convey a sense of his character and personality as well as referring to visual aids from the clip

Birthday Boy - Amazing Korean Animated Short


   Know that the story of the Birth of Christ is found in the Gospel of St Matthew and the Gospel of St Luke.

• Understand what the accounts tell us about Jesus.

• Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the two Gospel

     accounts. (AE2/4)


    What changes did the birth of Jesus bring to the lives of the characters?

   Which group of people was Matthew writing for? How can you tell?

     Which group of people was Luke writing for? How can you tell?


   Activity :

  Comparison of the Christmas stories

   What isn’t mentioned – does this surprise you? (2 hrs)


•  Know about the Prologue of St. John’s Gospel.

•  Understand the meaning of some of the images of Jesus contained in the Prologue.

• Reflect upon the relationship between Jesus and God the Father.

• Know about some images of Jesus found in scripture and in art.


  What do you think is the most important image of Christ that is presented in this passage?

   Why do you think he is described as the “Word of God?”



   Highlight key words and identify meanings – light / word etc
