Skills Builder
Research shows the building a child's essential skills supports:
- Social and emotional well being
- Learning and academic outcomes
- Careers and oppourtunities
"88% of parents say that a good education goes beyond exam results." (Parent kind survey)
Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School has been working with The Skills Builder Partnership for 8 years.
We proudly hold a Gold Award for building skills.
We want every child at Our Lady's to have many chances to build their essential skills. Building these eight essential skills can support the emotional wellbeing of our children. Developing these skills can help their learning. They are useful to them right now. They will also prepare them for the future and life after school. These are the skills employers are looking for.
We make links with workplaces too so our children can see how useful the skills are whatever age a person is at.
Skills Builder Homezone is for parents and carers to build their child’s essential skills at home:
Homezone is free to all parents and carers. You do not need to create an account. You can find it on a laptop or a mobile device.
There are Weekly Skill Challenges and suggested family activities to help your child build these all important essential skills.
It would be great if our families can visit Homezone and use it with their children.
Let us know which activities and challenges you enjoy.
Skills Challenge
This month our focus skill is Leadership
Think of someone you know who you think is good at something - it could be cooking delicious meals, being a helpful friend, making you smile - anything you think they are good at.
Getting Started: How does this activity make you feel?
Intermediate: How can you identify strengths and weaknesses in others?
Advanced: How can you support and motivate others?
Mastery: What are good leaders able to do?
All of our children have many chances to build their skills everyday in school. We use Skills Builder resources in all of our classrooms from the early years to Year 6. Children and teachers really enjoy the skills focussed projects and challenges throughout the year. This is when everyone is able to use what they have learned in their lessons and show how they have improved their essential skills.